
Register a pilot/team

First West Wyalong National Championships

Championships are held from the 7th-15th of July 2020. Close-off for all entries is 25 May 2020. 

How to register:

  • Complete the online registration form below.  (Please note the online form will calculate the total payment for you.)    OR
  • Download and complete a printed copy of the PDF version of the registration document (available here).  
    Send the completed PDF version to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
    Nats, c/- 5 Williams Road, North Rocks  NSW  2151  (Please do not post cash.)
  • Payment can be made by EFT or cheque (payable to NSWFFS Inc 1st WW Nationals).  If making an EFT payment please include your MAAA AUS number and first three letters of your Surname in the EFT transaction text (e.g., 41557DOD).

Please note a late fee of $50 will apply to registrations after 25 May 2020.   

Personal Details

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Events you are participating in

Please indicate those relevant.


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Admin Fee Only - No Event fee !

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Statement of Agreement

I agree to abide by all rules laid down by the Association. I agree to compete in a Sportsman like manner & will also make myself available to assist with the running of the 70th Nationals if I am asked to help.
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Registration Fees

Event fees calculation: Administration Fee ($50) (Maximum Admin + Event Fee = $100.00).The administration fee covers the cost of medals, badges, all services, all venues, toilets and miscellaneous items.

Late Entries (after 25 May 2020) incur a Late Fee of $50. (Late Fee $50 + Admin $50 = $100 + Event Fee)

NOTE: Please enter the number of events you are taking part in below.

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Note: Subtotal above includes $50 Administration Fee.

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Payment Details

Fees must be paid to "NSWFFS Inc 1st WW Nationals".

Electronic Funds Transfer: Post a copy of the EFT transaction with your completed Application Form as proof of payment. A/C NAME: NSWFFS Inc 1st WW Nationals: BSB: 062 336 Acct#: 1040 9062. Please include your MAAA AUS number and first three letters of your Surname in the EFT transaction text.

Cheque Details

Cheque Payee - "NSWFFS Inc 1st WW Nationals "

Postal address

Nats Registrar
5 Williams Road, North Rocks, NSW 2151

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